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ALCIM was birthed out of an Apostolic mandate to bring back authentic spiritual ‘Fatherhood’ to the 21st Century Church.
To nurture, train, cover and guide Pastors and their families and business leaders as they walk out their Kingdom assignment.
To create a spiritual educational platform and network that will promote Kingdom Principles and bring forth Apostolic and Prophetic ministries and businesses flowing in the Spirit of God
We will provide strategies, training and mentorship for Pastors, business leaders and ministries that desire to follow the call and flow in the Apostolic/Prophetic move of God thru seminars, workshops and personal impartation.
The mission of ALCIM is to train and equip ministries and busi-ness leaders to effectively operate in their spiritual gifting and activate them for the work of the ministry in their communities.
To help strengthen their families as they develop a proper work-life balance.
To give birth to the desires of the heart of God and birth out and activate sons and daughters into five fold ministry.
To cover, empower and impart business leaders to fulfill their Kingdom assignment through the market place.
To establish apostolic ministries locally and internationally and release the sound of end time revival and renewal.
So you’ve been called to Pastoral Ministry? How important is it to have someone walk along side you to encourage, equip, mentor and challenge you.
ALCIM was created to work with you, to father and nurture you in your five fold call. We’re not interested in controlling your ministry or business but nurturing and refreshing you the business owner, minister/Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist or Teacher, husband/father, wife/mother. To be another set of ears to listen and hands to hold as you walk out your call.
We know what is means to have a good covering, to honor those that co-labor with us and instruct us. We want to sow that into your lives and empower you to pay it forward.
We provide personal contact thru local, regional and digital visits and meetings, training workshops for you and your ministry team, mentorship plans and conferences. … And then there are the family gatherings!
We are accountable and covered. We are in partnership with Apostle Bill Hamon of Christian Int’l Ministries, of Santa Rosa, FL . We subscribe to the Apostolic & Prophetic training and mentorship of Christian Int’l..
We are an Apostolic/Prophetic team. I, Alan B. Dawson serve as the Apostle and President of ALCIM. In my 40 years of ministry I have served as Sunday School Superintendent, licensed minister, Children's Church Pastor under Bishop Isaiah Williams, (Jesus People Ministries, Inc.) Prison & Hospital Chaplain and Senior Pastor for 19 of those years. The Lord has graced me to see and experience ministry at many levels. He has given me a mantle and mandate to father and nurture His Shepherds and their families. To help raise up and cover Kingdom Businesses to guide them to their place of destiny and prosperity as they are called to finance the Gospel in preparation for the Lord's return.
I am the husband of one wife for over 35 year, the beautiful Xochil Rennee Dawson who flows in the office of the Prophet. A PK herself, she is sensitive to the hearts of the wives and children that co-labor in the ministry with their husbands/wives and fathers/mothers. A retired real estate appraiser and real estate broker she knows the challenges business owners face. Currently licensed as an insurance agent Prophetess has 1st hand experience in these economic & spiritual challenges.
We have one bi-logical daughter Chariss but many spiritual sons and daughters throughout the nation.
Join us. We are here for you.
Just click on 1 of the buttons below to complete a brief Ministry or Business Information form and questionnaire and submit via mail or email. We will contact you to schedule a Covenant Sons & Daughters or Partners tele-meeting. Followed by a visit to meet you and your leadership team. We Make It So…. Easy!